Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good evening everyone, Just thought I would give everyone an update. We are now at 16weeks. We still have moments of shock and disbelief but we are VERY excited!!! Stacey is doing fine, still battles nausea some days. She is waiting for this part to pass (not very patiently). I am posting some of the pics from our last Dr. visit. Doctor said baby and mother are both doing just fine. We woke up a couple Fridays ago and overnight Stacey had began to show. Now two weeks later she is showing a LOT!!! It had been so long since she was pregnant I had forgotten how adorable she is pregnant. Cravings are mostly sporadic with the exception of ice cream. Today was 32 degrees and she HAD to have ice cream, so we put on coats and hit the Dairy Queen. Our next Dr. visit is on Jan 14th and we will find out the gender. I'll be updating later that day for sure. We're waiting on that visit to get serious about names. 2010 will be a big year for us with a college graduation, a wedding and a newborn, but we look forward to each step of the way. Thank you to everyone for your kind words, thought and prayers. The support has been great and we appreciate each and every one of you and we hope each of you have everything you want for 2010.

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