Monday, January 18, 2010

IT'S A GIRL!!!! Harley Grace

Hello everybody, It's a GIRL and she is ADORABLE! Her name is Harley Grace Tiller and she already has me wrapped around that little finger. I get goosebumps every time I see her move. I am SO excited. I know I said the last pic was my favorite but this is by far my favorite. This was the day we found out she is a girl and she is sucking her thumb. I have included a video and if you watch closely at the end you can clearly see her sucking her thumb. Stacey is so awesome. She is finally getting over the nausea and more beautiful everyday. The belly grows a little every night (some nights more than others lol). We have began shopping for baby items and I had forgotten how fun this is. WOW, things have really changed in the last 20 years. When Casey was a baby we had a basic car seat with like a rope you had to tie in a knot to hold her in. Now they have all these complicated hooks, clasps, locks, combinations and mind boggling instructions. I guess I'll have to figure it out. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and kind words. Please continue to keep us and little Harley in your prayers. Stacey is registered at Babies R'Us, Target and

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good evening everyone, Just thought I would give everyone an update. We are now at 16weeks. We still have moments of shock and disbelief but we are VERY excited!!! Stacey is doing fine, still battles nausea some days. She is waiting for this part to pass (not very patiently). I am posting some of the pics from our last Dr. visit. Doctor said baby and mother are both doing just fine. We woke up a couple Fridays ago and overnight Stacey had began to show. Now two weeks later she is showing a LOT!!! It had been so long since she was pregnant I had forgotten how adorable she is pregnant. Cravings are mostly sporadic with the exception of ice cream. Today was 32 degrees and she HAD to have ice cream, so we put on coats and hit the Dairy Queen. Our next Dr. visit is on Jan 14th and we will find out the gender. I'll be updating later that day for sure. We're waiting on that visit to get serious about names. 2010 will be a big year for us with a college graduation, a wedding and a newborn, but we look forward to each step of the way. Thank you to everyone for your kind words, thought and prayers. The support has been great and we appreciate each and every one of you and we hope each of you have everything you want for 2010.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

To my close friends and colleagues,

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be sharing this news with you. Although still very surprised; Stacey and I are extremely excited to share with you that we are having an addition to the Tiller household. We officially found out that Stacey was pregnant on October 29th when we had our first official Dr. visit. Stacey battled nausea for several days before going to her primary care physician earlier that week to find out why she was so sick (little did we know). A routine pregnancy test revealed what was to be the shock and excitement of a lifetime. Although we are a little out of practice (our youngest is 21 and about to graduate college in a few short months) we are very excited to begin this new chapter in our lives and look forward to the new addition. The ultrasound was at 6 weeks 5 days, Stacey is now almost 9 weeks. The preliminary due date we have received is June 19th (Casey’s birthday is June 20th). Stacey is quickly remembering the joys of pregnancy (the morning sickness that lasts all day, the aches and pains, the cravings, and most of all the unexplainable joy and excitement of bringing a new life into the world). We are truly overjoyed and anxiously await the birth of our new family member. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.